Snag Details

Snag Details

Snag Details

After you mark up your snag, the Site Hero App allows you to a screen where you can provide detailed information about the snag.

Input details such as:

  • Snag Name

  • Project

  • Assign Team Member

  • Description

  • Tags for Categorization

  • Priority Level

  • Due Date

  • Snag Name 

You can enter the name of your snag. Enter a descriptive name for the snag, providing a quick reference to its nature or location within the construction project. This facilitates efficient snag identification and management.

  • + Project List 

Select the relevant project from a list of projects you've added. This feature ensures that each snag is appropriately associated with its corresponding construction project, aiding in organized project management.

  • + Assign to 

Assign the snag to the responsible individual or team. This step ensures accountability and streamlines the resolution process, preventing delays and fostering a collaborative approach to snag management.

  • Add Description 

Provide a detailed description of the snag, offering insights into its characteristics, location, and potential impact. Additionally, the option to record a voice note enhances communication and clarity among project team members.

  • Add Tags  

Categorize snags by adding relevant tags such as Plumbing, Wiring, or any other category that simplifies snag recognition. Tags serve as a quick reference, allowing for efficient sorting and identification of snags based on their nature.

  • Add Priority  

Set the priority level for the snag, choosing from three options: Low, Medium, or High. This prioritization ensures that critical issues are addressed promptly, contributing to effective snag resolution and overall project efficiency.

  • Due Date 

Establish a timeline for snag resolution by selecting a due date. This feature adds a time-sensitive element to snag management, aiding in project planning and preventing potential delays in the construction schedule.

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