Search and Filter Functionality
The platform allows users to search for specific snags and apply filters to quickly find relevant issues. This search and filter functionality ensures that users can locate and address snags efficiently.
To search go to the “ Search “ icon bottom bar. You can either search for snags by name or filter them.

There are four quick filter options.
- Assignee
- Status
- Tag
- Project
The "Assignee" filter allows users to narrow down search results based on the individual responsible for a specific task or snag. By selecting this filter, users can focus on items assigned to a particular project member, streamlining collaboration and accountability in snag resolution.
The "Status" filter enables users to filter search results based on the current status of a snag or task. Whether an item is open, in progress, or resolved, users can efficiently categorize and locate information, providing a quick overview of snag progression and project status.
The "Tag" filter offers a flexible categorization method, allowing users to tag snags based on priority, type, or any custom classification relevant to their project. By selecting this filter, users can filter search results according to specific tags, facilitating organized and targeted snag management.
The "Project" filter is particularly beneficial for users engaged in multiple projects. It allows users to narrow down search results to a specific project, ensuring that the information retrieved is contextually relevant to the chosen construction initiative. This filter promotes a focused and project-centric approach to information retrieval.