Adding Snags

Adding Snags

Adding Snags is easy-peasy with SiteHero!

Capturing and documenting your initial snag is a seamless process designed for efficiency and clarity. Here's a detailed guide to assist you in Adding snag on our platform:

Select Your Project:
Begin by choosing the relevant project from the 'Projects' section. This ensures that your snag is appropriately categorized within the context of your ongoing work.

Access the Home Screen:
Once your project is selected, you'll find yourself on the home screen. This central hub provides easy access to essential functions and tools.

Click the Plus Icon:
In the middle of the home screen, locate the prominent "+" Plus icon. A single tap on this icon initiates the snag creation process, streamlining the initial step for user convenience.

Capture the Snag:
After tapping the Plus icon, you'll be prompted to capture the snag. To do this, click on 'save' at the top-right corner. This action ensures that your snag is stored securely within the system.

Mark on the Image:
On the save screen, you'll notice a pencil option. Click on this to enter image markup mode. Here, you can mark specific areas on the captured image, providing additional visual context to your snag. Once marked, click 'save' to confirm your edits.

Proceed to the Next Step:
After saving the marked image, click on 'next' at the top-right corner to progress to the next stage of snag creation.

Enter Snag Details:
On the next screen, fill in the necessary details about the snag:

Name of Snag: Provide a concise and descriptive title.
Project List: Confirm the project to which the snag belongs.
Assign To: Specify the individual responsible for addressing the snag.
Description: Elaborate on the snag, including relevant details.
Tags: Add tags for easy categorization and search.
Priority: Indicate the urgency or importance of the snag.
Due Date: Set a deadline for snag resolution.
Click 'Create':
Once all details are entered, click on 'create' to finalize the snag creation process.

Confirmation and Notification:
Upon successful creation, you will receive a notification confirming the new snag. Additionally, the assigned person will be notified, ensuring swift awareness and action.

Add Comments or Voice Description:
Click on 'next' at the top-right corner to proceed to the next screen, where you can further enhance your snag details. Add relevant comments or opt for a voice description, offering a versatile approach to documenting additional information.

Did you know! You also have a voice note option for snag description. you can now snag on-the-go!

Done! You have successfully documented your snag!

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